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"@context": "",
"@type": "JobPosting",
"datePosted": "2017-05-18",
"hiringOrganization": "Total Scope Inc.",
"description": "Description: Total Scope Inc. seeks someone who can bring creativity and enthusiasm to our sales team, and is able to superimpose their personality on our systems.",
"educationRequirements": "Minimum GED or High School Diploma",
"employmentType": "Full-time",
"industry": "Medical",
"jobLocation": {
"@type": "Place",
"address": {
"@type": "PostalAddress",
"streetAddress": "17 Creek Parkway",
"addressLocality": "Upper Chichester",
"addressRegion": "PA",
"postalCode": "19061"
"occupationalCategory": "Sales",
"qualifications": "Ability to communicate in a conversational tone with customers, visitors, and all Total Scope personnel in person, via the telephone and email correspondence.",
"responsibilities": "Interface with customers: explaining repairs, inventory management, assuring customer questions have been communicated properly to our repair and operations management team",
"salaryCurrency": "USD",
"title": "Inside Sales Representative"